Departing for Nuuk

Yesterday, north wind with rain. Then north wind with fog. Then just north wind. As our goal is north, Mo and I sat out the day here at the Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club twiddling our thumbs. Mo is ready, dressed for departure, impatient, as am I.

Today, a clear sky at dawn, directly overhead at least. I switch on the engine after this post. We’ll be underway before the seagulls finish breakfast.

Nuuk is a thousand miles poleward and across Davis Strait. Figure ten days. We’re behind schedule now and will look to make quick work of the Greenland coast.

7 Comments on “Departing for Nuuk

  1. The pull to move, to go, to not stay any longer no matter how comfortable here is. Move on young man, true adventure awaits at the next turn. Looking forward to your posts.

  2. I had a good laugh when looking up your departure point and destination. I asked Maps to show a route. No route possible driving, walking or public transit. You must being going to the end of the earth. Safe travel.

  3. Good luck Randall. You have a solo sailors attitude, a well founded vessel and requisite sense of humor. You’re going to do well.

  4. Keep focused and disciplined, Captain. Impatience can lead to a lapse of attention and error and it would be unfortunate if you would have to keel haul yourself. Best of luck on this phase!

    • LOL LOL Paul. Well put. Enjoying the image of Randall keel hauling himself. I think he’d do it, too!

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