Good Progress and Monte Speaks

July 19, 2019

Day 247

Noon Position: 58 00N  51 41W

Course(t)/Speed(kts): NxW 7

Wind(t/tws): E 12 – 15

Sea(t/ft): SE 3

Sky/10ths Cover: Overcast/10

Bar(mb): 1009+, rising

On-deck Temp(f): 56

Cabin Temp(f): 55

Water Temp(f): 43

Relative Humidity(%): 63

Magnetic Variation: -22.6

Sail: Working jib and main, close reaching on starboard

Noon-to-Noon Miles Made Good (nm): 165

Miles since departure: 32,456

Leg Newfoundland to Nuuk

Day: 4

Miles: 637

Miles to Nuuk: 365

The day has been kind. Though not a soul would call this trade wind sailing, the fog has lifted such that one’s gaze must travel an expanse of water before reaching a horizon. What relief. Granted, both water and sky continue in their admiration of the color gray, but at least there is now something to look at.

And the wind, though forward of the beam, is of a velocity Mo can use for speed while maintaining comfort for her crew.

Sadly, the forecast calls for this blessed wind to peter out by tomorrow, to go calm and then northerly. But we’ve had a good run of miles and so can’t complain.

Randall: Monte, my friend, so good to see you in action. Welcome back!

Monte took the helm when we switched off the engine a few days ago, his first extended watch since his unfortunate argument with the drogue just south of Halifax.

Monte: Going forward, Senior, I am to wish that you pronounce my name as MonTAY.

Monte extends the final syllable to rhyme with “hay.”

Randall: Um, OK. But why this sudden concern with your name?

Monte: As I understand it, Senior, we are soon to enter, as you have said, uncharted territory. As such, you will no doubt become the discoverer of many new places, and it will thus be your right, not to mention you sacred duty, to name these places … after your particular friends. In all modesty, Senior, I am anticipating a number of geographical locations will be designated in my honor, for which I thank you in advance, and, well, consider the sound of it.

Randall: The sound of what?

Monte: Monte Bay, for example. It is not good. It is what you call a race track where the dogs run and you bet on the winner. Monte Bay, it is the mall where loud children do their Christmas shopping. But, BUT… Bahia MonTAY; Senior, that has a certain gravidness, do you not think?

Randall: I believe you mean “gravitas.”

Monte: Punta MonTAY. Islote MonTAY. Yes, these are very satisfying. If you should choose to use them, of course. I am only suggesting. To help in my small way.

Randall: Unfortunately, my friend, we will not be the first men to see the north. I believe the English got there first by dint of the names that were left behind.

Monte: Well, let us keep a sharp lookout. It could be we will find something as yet undiscovered.

8 Comments on “Good Progress and Monte Speaks

  1. Glad to hear that the fog has lifted. Smooth sailing👍🏻

  2. Great to hear Mr MonTAY has his say, today, Okay!

  3. Good ole Mon TAY!!! wouldn’t you know he has an ego!!! And why not? He is a big part of this incredible voyage, and who knows, maybe you two will discover Mon TAY Christo!!!

  4. Finally Monte returns and speaks. I was wondering whether he was going to remain crippled and mute so this makes my day. He’s right in saying Monte Bay is a good geograpical name. Welcome back Monte. Be a good companion to Randall on a most difficult passage and be careful that he doesn’t mistake you for firewood when he runs low on warmth.

  5. I LOVE Monte – so happy he’s rejoined your crew, my friend! Keeping our eye on the Gate for you.

  6. So glad to hear Montay’s voice! It always bothered me that Wilson never spoke back to Tom Hanks except perhaps in his head in Castaway. Godspeed, Randall. Your adventure is a thrill to a large community. Thank you. Stay safe.

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