One Effect of Tropical Warmth

Day 148/26

Noon Position: 27 46S 155 10W

Course/Speed: NW6

Wind: NNE13

Bar: 1021, falling

Sea: NE4

Sky: Partly Cloudy

Cabin Temperature: 77

Water Temperature: 74

Sail: Full working sail, close hauled on starboard

Noon-to-Noon Miles Made Good: 136

Miles this leg: 3213

Avg. Miles this leg: 124

Miles since departure: 20,457

One effect of warming weather as we approach the tropics: those fresh foods which had lasted till now are going off fast. An example is my last loaf of bread, purchased from a bakery in Hobart hours before departure. It had held up well while things were cool, but when I opened the bag today for a mid afternoon nosh, I found it had bloomed.

Over the side with it.

Same with two apples and one orange that escaped my notice until it was too late. The apples were Hobart-grown and delicious; their loss is especially disappointing.

Slow, steady progress today. We are close hauled with full sail and simply following the wind as it gradually clocks around from east to north. When it hits north late tonight I’ll tack to the east…likely just in time for it to die altogether. The next several days will see quintessential horse latitude weather, but Mo should get a good northerly push come late in the week.

We are on starboard tack and heeled right over. This means the galley sink is closed for business, its standpipes being effectively under water on this tack. So where to wash dishes? I haven’t solved that entirely just yet, but in the interim, the cockpit is the washroom.

Only one avian visitor today, an especially curious Tropic Bird, which came almost within reach. Add to that one flying fish flying over wave tops and that sums up my marine life sightings. Not much action here.

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