
Day 8

Noon Position: 25.24.16N, 125.26.02W
Course/Speed: SSW 6-7
Wind: SE 13-16 (these are true, by the way)
Sail: Close hauled, one reef in main; reef in #1 late
Bar: 1018
Sea: SE to 6; lumpy
Sky: Clear till noon, then overcast, thick rain late afternoon
Cabin Temp: 78
Water Temp: 72

Miles last 24-hours: 113
Miles since departure: 911

Wind died right away in the afternoon of yesterday, and didn’t return until the big moon was well up. Then it was SE 12 and stayed that way all night. Today, same, but built to 20 as the day matured. We’ve been close hauled on a course S and then SW. Wind died for an hour in the later afternoon as a heavy rain cell moved through but soon returned. I reefed the main after lunch and now have a reef in the working jib as well, but that is more for comfort as we move into a bit of a dirty night. Speeds continue over 6 knots, so who’s complaining? (I am not.)

In hindsight, I would have been better to route myself closer to the Baja coast where wind has been consistent this last week. The weather charts keep forecasting a column of air due S of me, which is part of the reason for attempting to stay right around 125W. The other is that this column is now hemmed in by high pressure on each side. Having made the decision, I’m effectively stuck with it.

And the westward dead zone is migrating my way. If I can just get down to 22N, then by Tuesday I’ll pick up a train of wind that will take me to the line.

One sign we are making southing is the temperature. Cabin is 80 degrees as I type and sticky-humid. I’m in shorts. Bare feet. The forepeak is also warm, which means I need to get at the fresh food before it stops being fresh.

Not many birds doing business in this part of the ocean. One brown boobie made several visits today and I’ve had fleeting glimpses of gadfly petrels.

4 Comments on “Wind

  1. Awesome Randall!! You da Man!

  2. Go Randall! You are making great progress…lets hope the winds be always at your back!

  3. Good progress, Randall. Thinking about that earlier prop bearing issue. Do you lock your shaft or freewheel when sailing?

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