May 31 2019
Day: 237
Noon Position: 44 26N 63 28W
Course(t)/Speed(kts): NNE 5
Wind(t/tws): SE 5
Sea(t/ft): —
Sky: Low fog
10ths Cloud Cover: 10
Bar(mb): 1008
Cabin Temp(f): 63
Water Temp(f): 40
Relative Humidity(%): 64
Sail: Under engine.
Noon-to-Noon Miles Made Good (nm): 96
Miles since departure: 31,244
Avg. Miles/Day: 132
Leg North Miles: 8,003
Leg North Days: 71
Avg. Miles/Day: 113
Halifax has been achieved. Mo and I are docked at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron facilities after 227 days at sea and some 31,000 continuous, non-stop miles.
Here’s a little wrap up…
Great job Randall! So glad you are well and safe after so many miles. Definitely the right choice to stop before continuing on through the iceberg fields. I hope it clears up there and look forward to following the next leg.
FAntastic, Randall. What an incredible voyage! Excellent choice to stop in Halifax for repairs, some well earned R&R, to wait till the icebergs clear & and some time with your wife! Yay! You’re a far ways from where we met in Hanalei now! Oh! Couldn’t find the video link on latest post?
Cheers, Anthony
Hey Anthony, are you living in Hanalei? I’m in Honolulu
Randall and the gallant MO!! Fantastic!! I bet you were a bit wobbly and “land sick”
When you went ashore! Everyone following you is so happy you can have a good time ashore and then carry on with your Figure 8! We are all there right with you. Congratulations!!
PS I could not find the video! However, all your wonderful communications are like magic to me!!
Love to you!!
Pam, this is Mary Francis (ex-SV Vivant)…met you, Andy & the kids/Kandarik in Bora Bora in 1986. So nice to see your name as a co-follower of Randall’s amazing voyage! Hope all is well with you & the family…
Mary! How wonderful to hear from you! Of course I remember you in Bora Bora we first met as you were hugging the pilings of the dock you were so happy to be on land!!! Remember you had our crew aboard and you had Doritos from Hawaii and Sammy and Jamie ate the entire bag they were so happy to have Doritos after our year in French Polynesia!! Do you still have VIVANT? I still am sailing KANDARIK with Jamie!!! Thank you for saying hello and loving following Randall and MO as much as I do!! Find me on FB! Let’s catch up
Video is up now. Thanks Team F8
Congratulations! Great place to deal with any repairs and resupply.
Hey Randall, our boat is also at the Squadron….please call Emily and I at 1-403-404-9867….we’d love to have you over for dinner…..I’ll be dropping in on my boat late in this morning.
The picture of you is priceless.
Congratulations so far…….
Great to see you arrived and are well. From the doldrums to the 40”s you have survived and thrived. Good job. Enjoy your stay
Mom woofed “Huzza, huzza” and Happy Happy Landings. She wondered if the “trouble and strife” was on the way. She pointed out to us chaps that you need fresh kibble and a new kennel roof, before setting off on the Happy Trails again, or something like that. We send images of our very best bones and huge wags.
Ah now for fresh food meal!
Congratulations Randall. We are all so thrilled for you. You’ve done an amazing job to this point. Keep it up. Can’t thank you enough for the constant sharing. And if the timing works, Lauren and I hope to catch you in N.S. in 5-8 days.
Congratulations! You made it to the first person stop, and without a wheel of Parmigiano, no less!
For folks who couldn’t see the video it should be there now. Thanks! Team F8
Got it and THANK YOU Team F8
Good move to pull in to Halifax Nova Scotia .. get everything back in order ! It would indeed have been very hard to hang on for Newfoundland, and St Johns, especially with ice so far south, fog, Labrador Current etc. ! Enjoy the break and the refit!
Recently saw “As if They Were Angels,” a documentary by a neighbor, which was about the incredible rescue by the locals during the Pollux & Truxtun disaster. Thinking about the amazing people of Newfoundland as you pass Lawn and St. Lawrence!
Congrat’s Randall! Glad to hear that you are safely on land… even if for a week or so!
Bravo, I have been following daily. Enjoy your rest and I cant wait for the rest of the trip. Thank you for sharing this with us.
“I haven’t seen a tree in eight months!” That pretty much sums it up! Well done Randall.
Nice one Randall! You’re doing a great job! N
CONGRATULATIONS Randall. So proud of you. Uncle Gary.
Sir Randal, very happy you finally reached port. Looking forward to your posts, hope all’s well with you and M. While your accomplishments may not be recognized by the Queen, I have “dubbed” you “Sir Randal”, as I’m “king” (of armchair sailors). I hope all’s well with you and yours.