Mo is Around Cape Horn for the Second Time

Mo has completed her circumnavigation in the Roaring 40s, including two consecutive roundings of Cape Horn. The circuit took 110 days and covered over 15,000 miles.

As you saw if you followed on the tracker, I came in north of Diego Ramirez in strong wind, this after writing a blog post describing why that is a bad idea. I was right. More on that later.

It’s late evening. The sun just set behind Cape Horn. And now we sail into the next chapter of the Figure 8 Voyage.

PS. Two roundings of Cape Horn in one voyage. Has that been done before? I don’t know.

50 Comments on “Mo is Around Cape Horn for the Second Time

  1. CONGRATULATIONS and two thumbs up (one for each rounding)!!
    That’s quite a magnificent view of the bottom of the Americas. Time to put the turn signal on.

  2. Congratulations on the rounding! Now you can turn toward home (via the Atlantic and Northwest Passage)

  3. Congrats. Now be VERY careful. It’s always after rounding the weather and seas get bad. Be cautious…

  4. Hip, hip hoorah, hip, hip hoorah, hip, hip hoorah! I wish you fair winds and a following seas; you’ve certainly earned them.

  5. Mom danced a little hornpipe and woofed “Way to go Randall!” and the dozy Greyts lifted an ear then went back to sleep. Northward Bound Ho! Well done Sir!

  6. Congratulations on the rounding!! I looked at the tracker and thought “oh, he’s there now!” and then saw your post. Thank you for sending it as you went round to share the moment with the rest of us!

  7. Congratulations Randall, Mo, and Monte! How come you forgot Monte on the drawing? 😉

  8. Way to sail, Randall! Many congratulations. Northward you go! Sail on…

  9. Wow! So exciting! Well Done!!! What an incredible voyage! So wonderful so many could follow along!! THANK YOU!!!

  10. Congrats. You certainly deserve a pearl earring, if you want one. I actually think you made the right choice. Looking at the weather the winds looked much stronger south of Diego Ramirez but since there is a time delay between your passage and my looking you may be right.

  11. Great job Randall. That was quite a slog. For sure time to get out of the southern ocean!

    • Congrats!!! Fantastic!!! You are some kind of awesome sailor. What an amazing feat you have accomplished. King Neptune has nothing on you. Keep up the great work. Chuck

  12. You are amazing. Fantastic job. Wishing you fair winds and following seas.

  13. Congratulations. You’re prepared, focused, and driven. We know your trepidations and apprehensions. Do glad you made it. Here’s to the next portion. We’re rooting for you

  14. Huge, Huge, HUGE CONGRATS! Hats off and in the air for you .Around the Horn on the first day of Fall – perfect.

    Howard and Steph

  15. Magnificent, Randall. Just awesome! Can’t believe how many km you, Monte, and Moe have logged since I saw you in Hanalei back at the tables behind the healthfood store.
    ~ Cheers, Anthony

  16. Following with baited breath. You really had to fight your way to the cape
    Good job!

  17. Congrats, awesome, fantastic all seem trivial considering the magnitude of your accomplishment(s)! Well sailed, you have joined an elite group of mariners. All the best for the next leg of your voyage.
    Paul S.

  18. Congrats Randall! Too bad there was no beer left to celebrate!

  19. Congratulations nephew on the completion of your first loop!! Job well done!! You approached this rounding with the force of a bucking bronco, due to some significant winds this morning! Have been very concerned about your weather the past 3 weeks and have been praying for God to calm your storms. Praise the Lord, He did not disappoint — you were not in the blue centers of storms via the “Windy app” and many storms weakened or disappeared as they reached you!! Thank you to all that also prayed for your safety!! Enjoy your travels Randall, keep on you toes and remember we love you and keep you in our hearts and prayers!!

    • Sorry I stated it wrong … you were not in the purple/blue center of storms via the “Windy app” (the most forceful area of the storm).

  20. Mr Saunders from Perth did three roundings of the ape Horn during his triple non stop circumnavigation’s

  21. Congrats seems to be not enough, I will be feeling more comfortable when you are further north, and I’m on the sofa!!! Stay safe sir.

  22. “PS. Two roundings of Cape Horn in one voyage. Has that been done before? I don’t know”. Why would anyone in their right mind want to do such a thing – of course they haven’t!

  23. Congratulations!
    As a reply to PS: In 1981-82 Australian sailor Jon Sanders did double circumnavigation with his S&S 34 Perie Banou. After that he also completed triple voyage with a bigger boat via Cape Horn and finished in 1988 after 658 days at sea.

  24. Congratulations, hopefully you’ve stashed a bottle to celebrate the occasion with Monte!

  25. Hoo-ray Figure 8! Great accomplishment Randall, Mo & Monte, the three of you did it as a team!

    Loved the iconic photos of Cape Horn with the setting sun. Now return to warmer latitudes.

  26. I checked the tracker yesterday at work and gave a little cheer. How relieved you must feel, and maybe also a little sad to say farewell to the 40s. I don’t imagine you’ll ever be back.

  27. Congratulations!!!
    Curious… have you sailed north up the East Coast of the America’s? Will that be new territory?

  28. Fantastic! Congratulations! You know that saying about how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! I think the elephant is more than half gone! Well done.

  29. Congratulations, Randall! Unfreaking believable. Now, get your ass back here! 🙂

  30. WOW! Congratulations, Randall! What an achievement, two crossings of Cape Horn in one journey. Now we can’t wait for the next phase of such an impressive undertaking. We’re so lucky to be able to follow your journey. So happy for you, Randall.

  31. Well done. Safe passage northward cross the Atlantic and its challanges.

  32. Congratulations Randall, Mo & Monte! That has to feel so amazing. Clearly us armchair skippers are quite excited about it! YAY!!!! GO, RANDALL, GO!!!

  33. The awards committee has elected to award you a large number of Dude Points for this fine accomplishment; you will be hearing from them soon.

  34. Good on ya! We all so admire you. To quote The Godforsaken Sea, you have succeeded in making Your Exit From Hell, referring of course to the Roaring Forties.

  35. I’m late, but must add my voice of congratulations to your epic voyage of two times around C.Horn! I feel like this is the journey to the center of the earth and can’t wait to see what the next chapter has in store for you and us! Aloha,Mary

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