Scenes from the South Pacific below the Line.

In the latter part of November, 2017, Moli and I were making way south through the Pacific’s Southeast Trades toward Cape Horn. These shots document a few of those moments. By way of explanation, the repair to the tiller was necessary because the plastic I used as a gasket between the aluminum tiller the stainless steel collar, renewed before departure, fragmented and wore away during the first month of this voyage. This caused an unacceptable amount of play in that connection. I replaced it with some scrap G-10 I had aboard.

3 Comments on “Scenes from the South Pacific below the Line.

  1. Beautiful shots! Nice to see you taking the time to make your bed on this journey.

  2. Great to see you getting a handle on the grinding… typically the errors start creeping in by this time… stay vigilent, exercise to keep muscle memory while the voyage takes it toll… you knew it was going to be a baddle… MOLI has a bone in her teeth… pirate up and make the turn eastward!

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