Unsettled Weather and Monte Reconstruction Begins

May 28, 2019

Day 235

Noon Position: 39 17N  61 32W

Course(t)/Speed(kts): WNW 5.5

Wind(t/tws): NNE 15

Sea(t/ft): NE 5+

Sky: Cumulus, lovely pillows

10ths Cloud Cover: 5

Bar(mb): 1015

Cabin Temp(f): 79

Water Temp(f): 74

Relative Humidity(%): 56

Sail: #2 and Main, close hauled on starboard

Noon-to-Noon Miles Made Good (nm): 96

Miles since departure: 30,968

Avg. Miles/Day: 132

Leg North Miles: 7,765

Leg North Days: 69

Avg. Miles/Day: 113

Tacked at sunset and again at dawn. Wind came out of the NNW early but has now swung into the NNE and will swing all the way around overnight, just like last night and tomorrow night. We’re crossing traffic–i.e. the latitudes at which lows depart the NE coast and head out to sea. Today’s low was barely noticeable. Tomorrow’s will be strong.

Once bitten twice shy. This coming low is nothing compared to the last, but still, I’m trying to stay south of it and am taking pains to work west.

In the afternoon, I tackled Monte. Got the pendulum strut apart, a tougher than anticipated job due to bent and seized parts. Then did a dry fit of the strut onto the frame. It not only fits, but it swings freely, as per normal.

This is great news. This means Monte should go back together and be functional. The frame will still be out of alignment, but I’ll bet that can be handled by overcompensating on set courses and the “English” applied to the water paddle.

7 Comments on “Unsettled Weather and Monte Reconstruction Begins

  1. Great bit of luck on that alignment. Lucky Randall! Did you lose the drogue in the general chaos?

  2. Ami, Kowden here: By my recollection, Randall does have an electricity-gobbling autopilot (“Otto,” I assume) that is not nearly so suave or wise or as efficient as Monte. Otto’s called into action during Monte’s state-mandated vacation days. When Otto’s in the driver’s seat, we hope for lots of sun and a clean run of the hydro-generator.

  3. Randall – Is there a Monte Mutiny going on? Your course suggests that he has commandeered the ship and has decided on stopping at Halifax instead of St John’s?

      • Breaking News…….Monte Mauled, Miffed Mounts Mutiny on Moli, Heads for Halifax Huffing.

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