Updates and information from Team Figure 8

Hi folks!

Quick update from Team Figure 8 now that Randall and Moli are clearly hitting their stride.

The Tracker – for those of you checking the tracker on a regular basis you’ll notice that we switched from a continuous line to dots on the map. We needed to make the switch due to the crossing of the dateline. The tracker doesn’t quite understand yet (the awesome team at Follow My Challenge are working on this) the whole concept. We thought dots would be less confusing than a line that ran around the world. Also, for all of our new readers. The tracker updates real time approximately every hour. Randall’s blog posts, however, don’t. So if you’re checking the coordinates on his posts and where he is on the tracker you’ll see a couple of days difference. Getting all those awesome images and stories from Moli to the blog take a couple of days. So don’t worry if they’re off.

Commenting on posts / Facebook / Twitter / Sailfeed. For you virtual voyagers reading about the adventures please note that Randall doesn’t have internet connectivity while he’s at sea. This means he can’t read your comments or questions. However, Joanna communicates with Randall daily. As part of her update, she shares comments and questions as she can. Randall LOVES hearing about all of them and when he can he tries to answer the questions. So while it looks like he’s ignoring you he’s not. I know the support team should be being good social media managers and liking and commenting back but this is our (paid with love) side hustle. It’s worth noting that when Randall does get back to port he reads everything.

Preparing for Figure 8 Voyage 2.0 – yes, the land bound team is already starting to think about this. To help with funding this next round and replacing some of the broken/waterlogged/damaged equipment we’re going to be creating a line of Virtual Stowaway branded goodies. We’ll be letting you all know here. We know, they’ve been a long time coming. Also, if any of you have any contacts with media outlets (magazines, newspapers, podcasts etc)  who might be interested in this story please let us know. Our focus is to share The Figure 8 Voyage story as broadly as we can. We want to be able to inspire as many people as possible.

Lastly, we want to make sure we give credit to the amazing artist Nick Stewart who created the image in today’s post. If you’ve been to Joanna and Randall’s home in California you’ve seen Nick’s work. Joanna commissioned a painting of Murre and Randall of Murre and the Pacific. We think Nick captures the movement and energy of sailing in such a stunning way. You too can have a bespoke painting of your boat. Want to find out more? You can contact Nick through his website at https://quinkandbleach.wordpress.com/

Thanks for all the support! Feel free to email the team at figure8voyage@gmail.com if you have questions or comment below.

Team Figure 8

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