Moli at Sea Again…

Greetings from the Figure 8 Voyage Blog.

First post from sea of 2023.

After three years biding her time in a San Francisco Bay marina, MOLI took her departure from the Golden Gate Bridge at 4pm PST on August 31st, 2023. Destination: Homer, Alaska via a westerly rounding of the North Pacific High. Aboard: two crew, Randall, as one might expect, and Harmon, an addition to the cast usual to this blog and more on which later. Also for later, the full scope of the voyage.

Overnight we sailed close reaching into 30 knots WNW, water flying everywhere, Mo riding like an angry steer, main stuck in the air for a time because Randall forgot that the reefing procedure entails more steps than simply hauling the sail down.

Now as I write in the late morning of September 1, we are entering what feels like the beginning of the trades. The air is heavy, moist, soft, cool; the sky is attempting cottony cumulus; round, blue hillocks have replaced the boulder garden of the day before and over which swings our first bird, a black footed albatross.

Last night a selection of firsts began: our first good dinner, compliments of Harmon, roasted potatoes, kale, sausage, garlic and ginger. I would not carry fresh foods–too much bother for one man–but as we are two, Harmon insists, and it appears he can assemble those foods into a wonder.

And last night, my first good sleep as we split the dark hours into four hour watches, first good sleep in the weeks of Sisyphean effort to bring order out of a chaos of boat work.

And now our first squall, so back on deck go I…

Follow our progress:

20 Comments on “Moli at Sea Again…

  1. Fair winds and calm seas. We are just leaving out boat in Petersburg for the Winter again. Homer is much fancier than most Alaskan towns. But if you are preparing to Winter there the locals will be welcoming.

  2. Congrats – escaping the chains of land bound mortals and heading out and into the embrace of exciting. We look forward to hearing how the sea gods treat you and hope you have taken enough ablutions to satisfy the gods.

  3. Track looks like you’re heading to Hawaii! Have your plans changed already? πŸ˜„

  4. “Another adventure old friend,” said Sancho to the Don. And we repeat that sentiment. You will be a part of every one of our days.
    May the current be with you!
    Steph & Howard

  5. Wonderful to be able to follow you once again!! Your book has a prominent place in my living room! Please know I am here for you!! And look forward to following your next voyaging.

  6. Hi Randall, good to hear you are out on the water again and still in Moli. I look forward to hearing about your new trip. Please keep me in your emailing list.
    Much good wind,
    Chuck Fulton

  7. Just leaving another comment and quoting Bill Pinkney – “…the sea does not care who you are, what your race or gender is, how much wealth or power you have, or even what flag or political system you embrace. The sea treats everyone the same.”

  8. Gald to see you and Moli back at it . I look forward to reading about your adventures again and seeing the photos. Was very happy to see your email.

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